Leader: Jaco Joubert
Jaco has a passion to encounter people, preach the gospel, and lead them to the Lord . We are seeing many souls saved through his passion and dedication to the call upon his life. Join him every Saturday at 8:30am as Jaco meets at H.I.M. to pray before going out to evangelize the local community!
Mark 16:15 - “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”
Leader: Ashlie Williams
Love Your City Street Outreach offers drive-thru prayer to whoever needs it! Join us as we pray for those in our city and distribute clothing, pizza, and drinks! It takes place every other Friday at 6:30 PM at the empty lot on the corner of 14th ST & 17th Ave. West.
Contact: Ashlie @ 941-592-2385
"...I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you failed to do one of these things to someone who was being overlooked or ignored, that was me - you failed to do it to me."
Matthew 25:45, MSG
Leaders: Cody & Nina Williams
Matthew 28:19-20 says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations"!! Our heart is to encourage connection and help build teams that will go forth and reach the lost and broken. Just one touch from the Lord can change everything...
We are living testimonies of the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Therefore it is a great honor and blessing to give back what the Lord so freely gave to us. Our mission is to go out into the community and share about the goodness of God. NO SOUL LEFT BEHIND!

Leaders: Cody & Nina Williams
Join us at Riverwalk/Rossi Park in Bradenton, FL the last Thursday of every month at 6 PM as we bless the community! There will be live music, the preaching of the gospel, snacks and drinks, and free gifts and Bibles! And if you need a miracle, our Souljas 4 Christ Youth would love to pray for you!
Leader: Kay Harper
"...encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11

Leaders: Steve & Kathie Steckel
Beginning in 2018, the North Georgia Revival of God began meeting people in the baptismal waters. This was then carried to the Gulf Coast of Florida. Since August 2022, the Gulf Coast Outpouring has seen critical diseases healed, deaf ears opened, families reunited, the lost returned home, those with various illnesses made whole, and deep deposits of God placed into hearts and lives! This revival is not exclusive to any one church but rather is transferable to all churches. The Gulf Coast Outpouring has helped other churches steward their own outpourings that are still going on.
Baptisms are held every second Sunday of the month. Registration begins at 5:00 PM with Worship and Service beginning at 5:30 PM. Bring your towel and change of clothes and be prepared for miracles!
As Lester Sumrall said in 1995 concerning end times, "Watch the water."
Leader: Jeff Swartz
Join our Praise and Worship team every Sunday morning at 10 AM to start off our service!
"Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts" - Colossians 3:16

Leader: Craig Popadic
Calling all men to breakfast and study the first Saturday of each month at 8:30am in the Cafe!
"I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."
- Philippians 3:14 NLT
Leader: Mary Ann Upton
Empowering and Encouraging women through deep heart friendships, ministry times and acts of serving together. We grow and we GO in God's Truth!

Contact Mary Ann Upton at (941) 993-6984 for more information.

Leaders: Cody & Nina Williams
Meeting every Thursday from 5:30-8:00 PM in the Ignite Room.
Last Thursday of each month is Outreach at Rossi Park (by playground). Meet us on the Riverwalk in Bradenton at 6:00 PM.
(More info below in the Evangelism section.)
The mission at S4C is to reach our next generation heading into adulthood. Standing firm on God's word, we eagerly co-labor with Heaven to pull out what the Father has already placed inside of them. We make it a priority to build healthy relationships, disciple them in sound doctrine, and raise them up in their God given identities. We encourage them to step out, evangelize and be a blessing to the community and others around them. We are an equipping center of disciples so they can rise up as SOULJAS 4 CHRIST who will go fourth boldly in the things of the Lord.​
Contact: Nina at 941-586-8869
Leader: Tom Hulery
Our Sunday school curriculum, Kingdom Culture School of Ministry, has been taught to many children worldwide. Several leaders of Hope International Ministries have recently been trained to teach this material which focuses on taking territories for the King and establishing kingdom culture. It is the culture that sustains and expands the move of God.
Leader: Barb Marland
"Let the children come to me." Mark 10:14b. This is the heart of HIM's preschool ministry! Let them come, let them learn, let them grow, let them comprehend and understand clearly that Jesus Christ came to Earth so that we could be saved, and He has a plan for everyone that is to be discovered and walked out. Psalm 139:16a says, "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book." Each child has a calling, a gifting. It is our privilege to help them learn what that is and to teach them to walk in it, both feet firmly planted in the word of God. Proverbs 22:6 states, "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."
God's invitation is for us to pray His vision into reality. Let's come into alignment with His will together!
Join us every Wednesday and Saturday at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary as we gather together as a church body in Holy Spirit-led prayer!

Leader: Gayle Gore
Is there an area of your life you are struggling with? We are here to help. Come allow God to bring His revelation for your breakthrough.
All prayers are confidential.
Call Gayle Gore at (941) 753-9424 to schedule your Breakthrough session.​
Leader: Victoria
The Great Commission: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19–20.
Discipleship is a journey of learning to love and follow Jesus as we become more like him in our thoughts and our actions. Discipleship is not only for new believers. If you are seeking to be more like Christ or have a desire to help others be transformed, we would love for you to join us. Over the course of 12 weeks we study 12 key areas. It’s a relaxed, interactive environment where you can learn as well as gain confidence in sharing the Word. Classes starting soon!
Contact Victoria at (941) 224-3569 to learn more!

Leader: Pastor Donna Kutinsky
GCSSM is designed to equip and empower God's people who have set their desires to seek first God's Kingdom. Engaging in experiences that truly establish the Throne of God in their hearts, attracting every Spiritual Substance that pertains to the Kingdom of Heaven. Exporting Kingdom!
It started in 1992 while sitting on my couch talking with God when suddenly three capital letters appeared in my mind… I.C.I. Instantly, I knew what they stood for too: ideas, concepts, and insights. Then I heard, “One day you will have an adult school that brings people into the presence of the Holy Spirit, and they will receive ideas, concepts, and insights for their life and God’s Glory.”
That mandate came to life in 2014, and for 11 glorious years Gulf Coast SSM has been launching powerfully equipped and ready sons of God into magnificent kingdom assignments! We are anointed, connected, and excited to do this! How about you? What is the Holy Spirit desiring to launch you into? Two years from now, will you be greatly empowered and launched? Or will you just be 2 years older? I beg you, allow us to come along side you and help prepare you for what God has for you!